Tuesday, May 8, 2012


NEWSEUM - A Museum of News!
Front Page Headlines Every Day from over  
800 World Newspapers!
      PLUS a LOT More!
I can't believe this has not been on my blog yet!  I love this site.  It gives me a world view of events that happen in our world.  After significant events such as 9-11, Presidential elections, or just normal every day events, show your students what has made the headlines today in Baltimore or Saudi Arabia or Australia or China or Paris or Russia or....you get the idea.  Show them and compare what has made the headlines.  Compare cities or countries - what is the headline today?

Through a special agreement with more than 800 newspapers worldwide, the Newseum displays these front pages each day on its website. The front pages are in their original, unedited form.
Newseum is an actual building in Washington D.C. See website for details.

Currently they have an exhibit on Presidential Campaign Ads:              http://www.newseum.org/exhibits-and-theaters/temporary-exhibits/every-four-years/campaign-ads/index.html

The most valuable aspect of the Newseum is the
Newspaper Headlines every day from across the world...AmaZing!!!
Educational Use:  Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is CURRENT EVENTS.  With Newseum, students can compare what the French or Saudi Arabian newspapers thought was their top story of the day.  Great discussion openers.

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