Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HelloSlide -

HelloSlide is a website that gives life to your presentations.
It helps you share your message more effectively, by adding voice on top of your slides. Instead of recording your voice, just type the speech,
and HelloSlide generates the audio automagically.

It's simple:

1.    Upload a PDF of your slides to our website.
2.    Type the speech for each slide using our editor.
3.    Press play to hear your presentation.
Once you type the speech for your slides, you can:
1.    Edit the speech until it's perfect.
2.    Make it available in 20 different languages, “automagically.”
3.    Make your presentation more visible on the web, because search engines will index the speech in your presentation.

Q. How do I register for HelloSlide?

In the sign up page, enter your email and pick a password. they'll send you a email with a link that you can click to complete your registration. That's it!
There is a Free version or you may pay for addition storage

Q. What file formats do you support?

For now, you can only upload your presentation in PDF, but we will soon support other formats.
If you created your presentation in PowerPoint or Keynote, you can export it to PDF:
Q. Is there a size limit for each upload?
Yes, your PDF must be smaller than 100 MB.
Q. How do I add a voice to my presentation?
After you upload your PDF to our website:
1.    Press the edit button in the top toolbar.
2.    Type the speech for each slide.
3.    Hear the result by pressing play in the top toolbar. There's also a preview button to hear the speech for just one slide.

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